Claim Your GIFT COPY of the
#1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller!


22 Unknown Secrets
That Will Help You
Communicate and Connect with others...

Improve your communication both at Work AND at Home!

"The book is laser-focused
on practical, immediately actionable tools to shift your language and your impact.”

Amazon Verified Review

As Featured In

Having a hard time getting your spouse, your kids, your team or your boss to listen and respect you

Get them to stop solving your problems for you and start listening to you with ... 

In the new #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller, 22 Talk SHIFTs, you'll discover simple language changes that will make a big difference — in business and in life.

We've collected over 500,000 data points using the TalkSHIFT™ Profile. The results are clear: 93% of people make at least one of these 22 mistakes that erode communication... every single day... without even knowing it!!

Leadership language experts engineered the Talk SHIFTs using neuro-linguistic research into relationships and business communication.

Talk SHIFTs are simple, small shifts to your words that you can make immediately to create lasting results in any relationship, both at work and at home — without talking about your relationship

Discover the Talk SHIFTs — the fill-in-the-blanks phrases, powerful questions and surprising actions you can take to change the tone of your conversations and work relationships with your colleagues and team!

You’ll be pleasantly surprised as your communication shifts overflow into your home and begin transforming those connections and relationships as well.

My Special Offer For You

Some have said this book could change the words of the world. And that is why I'm giving away the book — and giving away 100% of all profits.

Why We Give 100% of Profit... and How We Do It

When the company I built, Ungerboeck Software, was sold for hundreds of millions of dollars, I founded The global Talk SHIFT movement and committed every dollar of profit to change the words of the world. 

The global Talk SHIFT movement will inspire visionary leaders with an unprecedented level of transparency. Everything will be available for every customer to view online—including our finances, salaries, Board Meetings, and shareholder meetings.

I take no salary, and no profits. Every dollar will be used to change the words of the world. That includes profits from our books, training courses, coaching programs, and my personal speaking engagements around the world. 

And... I'm biased, but here's the coolest thing... YOU will choose who we give it to. Every year, we ask our readers to vote on which initiatives that we will fund in the next year. 

I call it The Plot to Change the Words of the World. 

Will you be my Accomplice?

I'm committed to making this journey one of the most inspiring, insightful and FUN adventures of both of our lives.

Join us.

Ready to start a Talk SHIFT in your career and life?
Please accept the eBook as my gift to you. You'll get the #1 Wall Street Journal bestselling eBook with the tools and resources necessary for drastically changing your communication, your career and even your relationships. 
I want you to have the tools that would have saved my marriage, my relationships with my parents and business partners, as well as my career as a successful CEO of a $200M dollar global tech company. 
When you claim your eBook, I ask for a modest one-time donation of $3.95 to offset our technology and distribution costs.
Want a hardcover or audiobook?
No problem... we've got you "covered". At checkout, just add the audiobook or the 252-page high-quality, glossy-finish hardcover. We only ask that you cover our costs to print and ship your book.
If you aren't hooked 15 minutes into the book, I'll give your money back.

No questions asked.
Don’t delay! This special offer is only available for a limited time... 

100% Money Back Guarantee.

A Friendly Warning

From the desk of Yours Truly, the Author :)

This book will create immediate, lasting changes to your words that will spark positive changes in the people around you

I'm so confident that this book will have a powerful impact on your career, your family and your life that I'm offering a risk-free, money-back guarantee.

If you have any questions, email or call me at (314) 455-7848 and we'll get everything sorted out ASAP.

Thank you for reading and supporting my mission to change the words of the world! 

Enjoy the book!

PS. If you're still not convinced about the value of your words, you may be surprised to learn that... 

The Average Person 
Speaks 13,000 Words Per Day

Are your words worth a penny?
$130 per day. That's what your words would be worth, at a penny per word.

If yesterday's penny words were worth $130, what's a lifetime of better words worth? 

What’s it worth to speak words that are heard—and to finally be listened to?

Imagine the impact of better words that create connection, build confidence, and evoke commitment among the people around you. 

Are you ready for little language changes that will make a big difference for a lifetime?

A Book For Men Who Don't Read Relationship Books

Every family counselor who has heard about the concept of this book has said, "GENIUS! That will work, especially with men!

One marriage counselor jokingly said that this book succeeds when marriage books fail because it uses "the Mary Poppins Method." 

Here's why.  

Our research shows that men (and successful businesspeople) will read 20 business books before they read a single relationship book. Men tend to be  motivated by career success and a desire to provide financially for their families. That's why this is a business book that is ALSO a relationship book

The powerful business communication tools are "the spoonful of sugar that helps the medicine go down" and gets career-minded people thinking about how the same tools that create great teams can be used to create great families and marriages

If you are trying to connect with a career-focused person in your life, meet them where they are — in the business section of the bookstore. 

Tucked within this book are also the tools to turn roommates into teammates with simple tools that create connection both at work AND at home.   

Do you want a teammate in your relationship — or a roommate?

Take the first step and grab the QuickStart Package.



We pioneered the VIDEO BOOK format to help you create connection with people who don't read books!

The fastest way to shift communication in your family... is to watch the VIDEO BOOK together.  The shared experience accelerates change in ways that reading doesn't. 
It's never too early to give your children the gift of deeper connection and better communication. 

Claim your QuickStart Package below to unlock a special discount offer on the video book.

"On a scale of 1 to 10,

This book is
BANANAS!! Verified Review
I saw an advertisement on Facebook, but I was too busy to engage further. I finally remembered to look this book up, and I was hooked at the intro. I can't tell you how many times I have clapped and screamed while reading this timely and powerfully written book. It's like a look in the mirror at how messy you are, with some instructions on how to get yourself together. I've already shared this book with 2 people and I've only been reading it for an hour. 

For me, it has been DEEPLY impactful. Thank you so much for writing this book and for the hell that you had to go through to learn these lessons to pass on to the rest of us! 


a lot of value


and could be a real game-changer for you" Verified Review
I love this book for 3 reasons:

1 - It focuses on our words, the core building block of our beliefs and actions.

2 - The book is laser-focused on practical, immediately actionable tools to shift your language and your impact.

3 - It is equally powerful in your personal and professional life


I bought three copies for my husband and children!"

A Book For Men Who Don't Read Relationship Books

Every family counselor who has heard about the concept of this book has said, "GENIUS! That will work, especially with men!

One marriage counselor jokingly said that this book succeeds when marriage books fail because it uses "the Mary Poppins Method." 

Here's why.  

Our research shows that men (and successful businesspeople) will read 20 business books before they read a single relationship book. Men tend to be  motivated by career success and a desire to provide financially for their families. That's why this is a business book that is ALSO a relationship book

The powerful business communication tools are "the spoonful of sugar that helps the medicine go down" and gets career-minded people thinking about how the same tools that create great teams can be used to create great families and marriages

If you are trying to connect with a career-focused person in your life, meet them where they are — in the business section of the bookstore. 

Tucked within this book are also the tools to turn roommates into teammates with simple tools that create connection both at work AND at home.   

Do you want a teammate in your relationship — or a roommate?

Take the first step and grab the QuickStart Package.



We pioneered the VIDEO BOOK format to help you create connection with people who don't read books!

The fastest way to shift communication in your family... is to watch the VIDEO BOOK together.  The shared experience accelerates change in ways that reading doesn't. 
It's never too early to give your children the gift of deeper connection and better communication. 

Claim your QuickStart Package below to unlock a special discount offer on the video book.

22 Tools to
Change Your Words and Change 
the Tone in Your Relationships 

(at Work and at Home)

Provides a proven approach and practical tools guaranteed to make a BIG difference in your leadership, partnership, and life.

Let me tell you WHY I am making this offer and WHY I want you to have this book…

It’s a sobering moment the day you look in the mirror and see the leader you have become - a leader no one is following.

I was at the lowest point in my life

when I walked away from my career as CEO in our family owned global tech company. 

Two weeks later, my wife walked out on me. 

You see, as a business leader, husband and father, my heart was in the right place, but my words were not. It cost me meaningful relationships and limited growth potential in my business.

I learned a very valuable lesson... 


If you want to be the leader others can’t help but follow, both at work and at home, it starts with your words.

I was determined to find the communication secrets vital to the health of any relationship that I could share with the world.

I spent 5 years and $500,000… For YOU!

(Because it’s that important!) 
On my journey to change the words of the world (and ultimately, relationships), I have discovered a proven approach and practical tools that use simple language changes to…
  • Transform the tone in your conversations
  • ​Radically improve your influence
  • ​Strengthen relationships
I guarantee it will change your mind, your heart, and your life like it has mine… and I want that for YOU. That is why I am offering you a FREE copy of my book, 22 Talk SHIFTs TODAY!


is so much more than a book. It’s a solution that is changing the words of the world.

We have over 500,000 data points showing that 9 out of 10 people make these 22 communication mistakes every single day … and they don’t even realize it. 

22 Talk SHIFTs is all you need to develop communication skills that will put an end to fear-fueled silence and create opportunities to connect and engage with those who matter. 

There is no other leadership or communication book, program, or approach like it. I guarantee it will promote confidence, build trust, and encourage unity rarely found among those who feel ignored, unheard, or taken advantage of. 

I am ready to put your FREE copy in the mail TODAY! 

Here’s What You Need to do NEXT…

Right now is the time for you to request your FREE copy of my #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller. 
All you need to do is simply tell me where to send it. On the next page, you will be asked for your credit card information to cover a small shipping fee of just $9.95

Yes, You Really are Getting This #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller for Just the Shipping Cost of $9.95, BUT…

This offer is only for a limited time, so be sure to grab YOUR FREE COPY before it expires. 
PLUS, for each additional book that you purchase, 100% of ALL profits will be donated to causes that align with our mission to change the words of the world.

A Book For Men Who Don't Read Relationship Books

Every family counselor who has heard about the concept of this book has said, "GENIUS! That will work, especially with men!

One marriage counselor jokingly said that this book succeeds when marriage books fail because it uses "the Mary Poppins Method." 

Here's why.  

Our research shows that men (and successful businesspeople) will read 20 business books before they read a single relationship book. Men tend to be  motivated by career success and a desire to provide financially for their families. That's why this is a business book that is ALSO a relationship book

The powerful business communication tools are "the spoonful of sugar that helps the medicine go down" and gets career-minded people thinking about how the same tools that create great teams can be used to create great families and marriages

If you are trying to connect with a career-focused person in your life, meet them where they are — in the business section of the bookstore. 

Tucked within this book are also the tools to turn roommates into teammates with simple tools that create connection both at work AND at home.   

Do you want a teammate in your relationship — or a roommate?

Take the first step and grab the QuickStart Package.



We pioneered the VIDEO BOOK format to help you create connection with people who don't read books!

The fastest way to shift communication in your family... is to watch the VIDEO BOOK together.  The shared experience accelerates change in ways that reading doesn't. 
It's never too early to give your children the gift of deeper connection and better communication. 

Claim your QuickStart Package below to unlock a special discount offer on the video book.

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